As August is a busy month for me and I wasn't sure how it was going to go, I took some precautions against getting behind by starting both an audiobook and a paperback from my ARC list. I've finished the audiobook and the other will be September's review!
So this month's review is for 'Lady of the Shades' by Darren Shan.
I chose this book way back at the beginning of the year because my daughter and I had recently gone to hear the author talk about his new Zom-B series. Gaby loves his books which are mainly for children/young adults. I noticed that there were several adults at the talk and when it came to the time for asking questions, 'Lady of the Shades' was brought up and complimented by them so I decided I would give it a go.
I don't normally read things quite so dark because, well, I scare easily!
The book is a supernatural thriller. The main character is an author with a tricky past who writes supernatural thrillers and investigates aspects of the themes he writes about. He is being 'haunted' and is trying to work that out. The book develops first into a love story and then into a mystery. There are many twists and turns and I kept thinking I had it figured out, only for something more to happen. I can't really say too much more without giving away the plot!
I thought 'Lady of the Shades' was excellent. It was dark and intriguing without spooking me too much!
Here's my art. As with my review, I didn't want to add things that gave away the plot so I decided to do the image of the ghosts circling which is referred to throughout the book...