I have started some knitting now the house is nearly back to 'normal' - I haven't been able to get to my craft drawers very easily and was starting to get withdrawal symptoms! I am supposed to be using up my yarn stash but we are now six months through the year and this is getting more difficult. Trying to find patterns that I want to knit in the yarns that I have is becoming increasingly difficult but this is, I think, a good thing. There is no excuse to hold onto it all any more! I've made a decision now that a lot of it has to go and obviously this will make room for lots of nice new yarns that I want to knit and crochet stuff with :-)
The knitting I've started is a scarf/shawl called 'Hogwarts Express'. Being a bit of a Harry Potter obsessive, I was drawn to the name but also, it has a border of owls which I like and I have a suitable amount of the right weight wool which I bought in a charity shop a couple of years ago - I loved the colour.
Reading-wise, I finally got around to updating the iPad so I'm able to download audio books again. I will be starting 'Dead Reckoning' by Charlaine Harris, book 11 of the 'True Blood' series, tonight whilst pottering about doing tea. I feel like I've been reading this series forever now but I enjoy them and I have a (self-imposed) need to stay ahead of the T.V. show because although I like that, the books are, in my opinion, much better. I feel the same about Harry Potter!
What a great scarf! I love owls and Harry Potter - how have I missed that pattern before?!