Friday, 18 January 2013

Friday ~ Sophie

'Rocking Your World Friday is the moment to step back and take stock of your week, to work out the positives, the things that have made life more bearable and to celebrate these facts.'
Linking up with Celtic House

Snow - it's pretty and I get to wear wellies :)
The Ford Dagenham Women who's strike led to equal pay for women. We watched 'Made in Dagenham' at the weekend, those women are definitely rocking my world this week.

My new ceramic travel mug.  I have to get to my son's school quite early to get parked (this is related to their autism and behaviour and not just because I'm too lazy to walk)!  As a result, I have 20-30 mins wait every day.  I don't mind this as it gives me a little time each day to sit still and read, however, on weeks like this it can get quite cold.  A nice hot coffee warms me up and it tastes so much better out of this mug than the metal one I had before.
House plants.  Living circumstances have kind of dictated that we haven't had any house plants for 7-8 years.  Prior to this (the arrival of children basically) I had rather a lot and I've missed them.  The changes we've made in our house this year mean that we now have windowsills and shelves near light so I now at least have some plants in the kitchen. 

Crow Pose.  I did this for the first time today.  I always think I'm going to fall on my face.  Something made me just give it a random go this morning and it worked. Twice.  I have tried several times since and now nothing.  At least I know I can do it!
Comfort food.  Pies, mashed potato, plum crumble and custard, yum :)
That's it....a quiet January week here!


  1. *cheer* for new travel mug.. anything that makes life easier for you has to be A Good Thing.. as for the snow I'll pass on that one.. it looks pretty but we have a very draughty council house with whistly windows which was supposed to be all-singing-all-dancing double glazing by now but due to 'cuts' has been sidelined..probably never to be heard of

    Mmm...comfort food :) I am very aware of this thing and do partake a little too much..hehe



    1. You have my sympathies with the cold house and the council, we went 2 winters here with no heating at all, that's why I have lots of those long socks ^^ :)

  2. Lovely gratefuls! I put snow on my list too...I got to wear my new snow boots....yay!!
    That travel mug is an excellent idea...
    Stay warm!
    Hugs xx

  3. I need some big long socks too. We have lots of snow and I like snow - especially when it closes schools! jenx
