Saturday, 2 February 2013

Rocking Your World Friday-ish ~ Sophie

A bit late for a Friday, but here's what's been rocking my world over the past week....
Meeee! I fixed the washing machine.  Ok, maybe there was a massive flood in the process but I unblocked the blockage and it works again.
Suprise gifts.  I am taking part in the Facebook 2013 Craft Pay-it-Forward thing and yesterday my lovely friend Rachel came over with this beautiful bag for me.  Rachel is brilliant at everything she makes, I love it :)  Later in the day my mum arrived with these hyacinths. This is lovely because I usually do some of the water jar type ones with the children during autumn half term but that was quite a difficult holiday week and I just didn't get it together.
Respite care for our boys, it's giving us a much needed rest and some time to do ordinary things.  Last weekend was mainly resting!
Birds.  I did the RSPB Big garden Birdwatch.  We don't get many birds here.  We have 3 cats, next door have 2 and there are more further along our terrace.  I do however get regular pigeons in the trees behind our garden.  What I learned from the Big Garden Birdwatch and getting my binoculars out was that some of them are not pigeons, some are collared doves.  I also learnt that not a lot bothers them but sirens make them become alert and go from 'puffed up' to, well, 'not puffed up'!
While the Birdwatch was predictably minimal, I got a big suprise later on in the day when I looked out of the window whilst loading the dishwasher to see the staring murmuration, a beautiful sight :)
Ducks.  Our local park has been shut due to flooding again.  It reopened this week but there is still a lot of water everywhere.  I saw ducks swimming around a tree in a bit of floodwater - sweet!
A fantastic full moon, Jupiter and Orion in the night sky.
Jasmine.  I love jasmine essential oil, particularly in the bath and ordered some this week as I was getting low. The day my parcel arrived, my new jasmine plant flowered and my kitchen now smells divine. 
Artful Readers Club.  I'm so glad I joined in with this.  This week I have read nearly 40 blog posts and received some lovely comments on mine.  It's great fun.  And if I hadn't joined in with that, I wouldn't have found Virginia's blog to join in with this which I also really like doing!
Linking up with Virginia at


  1. Hi Sophie, what a lovely Rocking post :) Your Pay It Forward bag is really lovely. The duck picture is cute, I expect they're the only ones happy with all the wet weather we've been having!

    Have a great week,


  2. We did the Big Garden Bird watch too. Weather wasn't great so we didn't hold out much hope. Different set of birds this year, including a gold crest. SO thrilled. Wouldn't have spotted it unless we'd put an hour aside to watch.

  3. Always lovely to see a new Rocker :)

    I love watching starling murmurations, when I used to sub to the Fortean Times I remember reading an article where they pondered about some sort of telepathic/psychic link beween the birds to get them SO in sync. Was interesting reading and always an awe inspiring sight to see :)

    Totally agree about taking part in ARC too ;)

    Have a fabulous week Sophie.
