Friday, 22 March 2013

Rocking Your World Friday ~ Sophie

I haven't done this for ages and probably should have but hey! Here's a few things that have made the past few weeks a bit better...
Mother's Day cards and flowers. 

Going to see 'Beautiful Creatures' with Andy and Gaby. I love a bit of teenage witchiness and as Gaby has just turned 13, I have a great excuse to see films like this. We all enjoyed it.

Coffees and lunches with friends.

Starting at the gym. I am totally intimidated by gyms. I belong to one but only really joined because of the yoga classes they offer. I haven't been feeling at my fittest and this week I felt like I wanted to start doing something a bit more active. I tagged along with Andy and did 25 mins on the cross trainer. I was all pleased with myself until I realised I was on level 1 and he was on level 14!! It's a start though and I enjoyed it which surprised me.

The King Blues, 'Punk and Poetry'.  An album that I love and always makes me feel upbeat.
Really angelic behaviour from my boys last weekend.

Listening to Jackie Kay reading her book, 'Red Dust Road'. I joined the Womankind Worldwide Book Group on Goodreads and this was the chosen book for International Women's Day. I'm really enjoying it and would highly recommend the audio version as it really makes it having Jackie reading it herself.
My mum turning up with cake. Not much left now..... and walnut cake. Yum :)
Gaby's baking....
More yum!
Linking up over with Virginia at Celtic House


  1. Oh Sophie how lovely to have your blog to visit this morning, you've got a stack of gratefuls. Loving that almost empty box of cake - can only imagine how tasty that was.

    audio books - not done them - should really give them a try! Not heard the album either will check it out! Loving the stack of Mother's day cards and those beautiful daffodils, I hope this week is full of positive moments that make it a truly 'rocking' week.

    Thank you for joining in - hope to see you soon



  2. Lovely baking photos! Like the mother's day cards. I like your starry skies. Happy Friday, jenx

  3. Hi Sophie, lovely blog design.

    Great collection of positives and those cakes look so yummy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Toni xx

  4. Gyms intimidate me too - well done for going to yours. 25 minutes on a cross trainer at any level is remarkable as far as I'm concerned, bravo! Level 14 just isn't right. Check Andy for steroid abuse. Just saying.... ;)

    Have never heard of The King Blues either. I'll have to check them out.

    Have a great week!

    ps love the picture of your kitty-cat!

  5. Isn't it great having teens that bake? My lot did currant fairy cakes and cinnamon loaf between them this week. Nom.

    Another here who hasn't heard of that album, will check it out. Have another fabulous week Sophie :)

  6. Lots of Yum!! A house filled with baking is a house filled with love I say!! :) (My hips are a proud testament to that fact!!)
