Sunday, 30 June 2013

Artful Readers Club May in June!

We've had a manic couple of months so despite reading both my May and June books for the Artful Readers Club in May, I didn't manage to get the art done.  I'm slowly catching up.....

May's book was 'I left My Tent In San Francisco' by Emma Kennedy.
I read Emma's first travel book, 'The Tent, The Bucket and Me' a while ago. That book follows Emma's family and their disastrous attempts at camping when she was a child.  It was a book that I really enjoyed and had me laughing out loud all the way through.  When I realised that there was a follow up book, I hoped for more of the same and was not disappointed.
In 'I Left My Tent In San Francisco', we follow Emma and her friend Dee as they leave University and spend the summer in the USA working and then travelling.  Despite being assured at a 'Work America' meeting that there would be plenty of work, when they get to the USA, this proves not to be the case. These girls are left to rely on very little money and the kindness of strangers in order to survive their time away and to get home. Just as in the previous book, bad luck and hilarious incidents seem to be the norm.  Again, I was laughing all the way through.  Actually at one point, I was bent over double and nearly dropped the book! There were also times reading this book when I was cringing and thinking 'WHY'?!!
While Emma is in the USA, her parents are also travelling around Europe so we also get snippets of their continued hilarious travel adventures which also adds a lot of humour to the tale.  At times it can all seem a bit exaggerated but I don't really think that matters because it's such a laugh, and sometimes people really can have that much bad luck.
The book is a quick, light and very funny read and I would definitely recommend it to anyone needing a bit of light relief. It was highly entertaining :)

Here's the artwork I ended up with after a couple of false starts....

Hopefully I will catch up and have June's book review and art done in the next few days!


  1. Sophie, I loved your review. Your enthusiasm for the book makes me want to read it! Your art is a perfect reflection of the book...well done, both!

  2. I've had one hell of a hectic time too! We are having our kitchen re-built so chaos reigns! This sounds like a fun book and you describe it well. I also love your jokey artwork. I think I might look that book up, I need a bit of escape and a laugh at the moment!!! Julie Ann xx

  3. OMG...your picture makes the book look even funnier than your review...which made it sound fabulous!!!! Will have to look this author up :D XXX

  4. Hot damn, Gina! Why does she have to steal my words? I was going to say (will still say) that your art makes me want to read the book because it screams of laughter and mayhem. Yum!

  5. Had I not read the review first, I would still have enjoyed the art, which pretty much summed up the humor I felt when I read the review. I'm SO glad you enjoyed this book. It sounds like lighthearted fun and mayhem. Truly enjoyed the review AND your art. Sill laughing.

  6. This book sounds (and looks, thanks to your fantastic art) like a hoot!

  7. So glad you enjoyed it so much. Your review made me laugh just thinking of you reading, as did your art piece.
    Jen x

  8. After the review I would like to know more about this and the art work leads me to believe I will enjoy it lots! we can all do with doubled up laughter some times lol Dxx

  9. Fabulous art to accompany this obviously very funny book. I was laughing reading your review. So glad you enjoyed the experience!

    Janet xx

  10. This would be lovely to read right now, in the middle of a heat-wave!
    I hope some good fortune is coming her way soon, camping can be so much fun! :-) Fun art-work! ♥
